Very Berry Days
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Finally a new entry and Japanese Word of the Day!
Wow time passes soooo fast ><><
it's hard to keep track of things when you have so much going on. Facebook, twitter, tumblr, instagram, ameblo, etc. But! I shall try to blog more :3 (although I'm not so sure if anyone reads ^^;)
Would you mind if it's super short?? (。-_-。)
Oh! I have a good idea <3
I will do "Japanese word of the day" for those out there who wants to study japanese. What do you think? XD
So... Let's try!
Japanese Word of the Day
Romaji: Kirei
Kanji: 綺麗
English: beautiful, pretty
In a Sentence: このはなはきれいです。
Translation: This flower is beautiful.
Let me know what you think~~~ :3
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Morning Musume CD
Wow I haven't updated my blog for a very very long time ><
I will try to update more often from now on, but forgive me if I can't ><
As some of you may know, I'm a huge Morning Musume fan.
I had been their fan since elementary school XD
Last September, Ai Takahashi (leader then) graduated from Morning Musume.
She had been in the group for 10 years by then.
I really liked her, and her graduation was something big for me.
I'm not in Japan, and it was not possible for me to go and see her bye....
But! Tsunku decided to make a graduation CD for her!
All other members had their "last CD" as MM, but none of them got featured so much on it.
Ai got a solo, and a special version which her picture was the jacket of the CD.
Many fans bought it, trying to get MM into NO.1 on the CD ranking.
I wanted to help too, so I decided to buy as well!
Even though I had loved them so much, I actually had never bought their CD before.
When I was young, I had no money, and when I grow up, I wasn't in Japan T_T
But this time, with my friend's help, I was able to purchase their CD for the first time XD
(by the way, MM made it to No.2 on the CD ranking)
Not only I decided to buy the CD, but I decided to get ALL the different versions of it.
So.... here it is!
![]() |
Morning Musume - Ai's graduation CD |
I'm really happy I got it, and I'm ganna listen to it like crazy now XD
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Scenic Cave
How was your Thanksgiving Weekend?? Did you eat turkey? XD
I had an awesome weekend with my family. (and a sleepover with Cotton ^^)
We went to Scenic Cave on Monday with another family. It was such a great weather! Sunny, warm, and not too hot/cold.
We went on the longest suspension bridge in Ontario (the picture above shows it!) To be honest... It was scary!! I'm afraid of height, so the idea of been on a bridge that moves as you walk...!! Plus there were many children around and they kept shaking the bridge on purpose.... TT
But the scenery was splendid. You can see the beautifully coloured maple trees all around, and town beyond that. I think it was worth the scare on the bridge :P
We also went on hiking in the park, visiting the caves and viewpoints. I took so many pictures! I will share them with you all after I imported them into my computer so please wait for that!
Happy Thanksgiving!!
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Thursday, October 6, 2011
How are you all??
I went to have dinner with my mom on Tuesday. We meet up near ROM(Royal Ontario Museum) after her work and headed for a Japanese restaurant.
The food was awesome ^^ And it's been a while since we had mon-daughter time so it was nice to be with her and just talk.
Attached is a snapshot of ROM after our dinner.
I really like this place, especially the room with all the crystals and gems. I can stay there all day (^-^)
If you are near Toronto and haven't been there yet, it's really worth it! Please find a time and visit ROM ^^
If you are not near Toronto, and if you ever have a chance to come here, ROM is a must-go!
If you visit there someday, please tell me about your visit~~ ^^
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Monday, October 3, 2011
How are you all doing? ^^
I'm doing well except am suffering from the sudden coldness ><
I'm a big book reader since I was little ^^
I've recently read "Holes" by Louis Sachar.
It was such a great book! I kept hearing good reviews about this book but never got a chance to read it.
I regret that I haven't reached for it earlier... :(
The plot was extremely well-organized. I love the kind of book where I can go "Ohhhhhh!!! This led to this and this meant this!!" and this book had lots of it at the end ^^
I would recommend it to you all ^^
Do you have any books that you liked and would recommend to me? ^^
Saturday, September 17, 2011
The weather suddenly became really cold these few days. >< It was 7 degrees (C) the other day!
I haven't pulled out my warmer cloth yet so I really need to do that soon.
Our concert is only 4 month away! I thought it was a long time away but it is actually not too far anymore.
I'm really looking forward to it and can't wait to perform!
We really want to bring you a perfect performance, one that can impress all of you and give you a really satisfied, warm, and happy feeling when you leave.
We are working hard and will work even harder! ^^
We are going to Karaoke together the end of this month! I'm super super excited! ^^
P.S. This gum makes me happy XD
Monday, August 22, 2011
Last day
Today is my last day of trip. Tomorrow we will start heading back to Toronto ^^
It had been a very good trip.
We saw so much amazing view, eat very delicious food, and had wonderful experiences ^^
I don't want the trip to end...
But at the same time, I miss Toronto too.
Most of all, I miss Cotton, Peach, and Baby ><
I really can't wait to see them soon ^^
P.S. The picture is the mussels we ate at this awesome seafood restaurant in Halifax XD
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